We put lots of energy and enthusiasm into building our own tools. These are the projects we are very pleased to share with the community.
Projects /

A ready to use back-end API, extensible API-first Content Management.
- Php
- Api
- Cms

Progressive Web Components.
- Webcomponents
- Shadow-Dom
- Virtual-Dom
- Custom-Elements

AR.js is a lightweight library for Augmented Reality on the Web, coming with features like Image Tracking, Location based AR and Marker tracking.
- Augmented-Reality
- XR

An application, a Twitter bot and a browser extension that bites websites to taste their accessibility.
- Aws
- a11y
- Nodejs
- Serverless
- Twitter-Bot
- Accessibility

Refined keyboard navigation for websites and components.
- a11y
- Keyboard-Navigation
- Accessibility

Docker PHP
Adding common PHP extensions to some of the official PHP Docker images.
- Docker-Php
- Composer
- Docker
- Php
Articles /

Augmented Reality on the Web with Model Viewer
A tale of our team building a Web AR experience using Google’s Model Viewer.

Modern CSS Techniques To Improve Legibility
In this article for Smashing Magazine, we cover how we can improve websites legibility using some modern CSS techniques, great new technologies like variable fonts and putting into practise what we learned from doing scientific researches.

How To Use Face Motion To Interact With Typography
In this article for Smashing Magazine, we will cover how to combine Machine Learning, variable fonts, and CSS grids to create layouts that respond to the proximity, the inclination, and the number of the users’ faces.
Events /
Codemotion Madrid 2020
Codemotion Madrid •Codemotion is a series of high-level technical conferences that take place every year in major European cities. This year all editions, including Codemotion Madrid, will be in the form of a virtual conference. Nicolò Carpignoli, WebXR Developer and Consultant at Chialab, on November 5th will present a talk on Web Augmented Reality, dedicated to innovative technologies, in English language. Tickets are on sale, with the possibility to get also free tickets.
The event is free. At this address you can view the agenda for the day in which Nicolò will present his talk.
At this address you can register (also for free) to see live all the talks of the conference.
- Talk
How to approach the legibility* of a website?
Fevr •Reading is a very complex activity that increasingly takes place in front of smartphone, tablet and computer screens. When dealing with the typography or the layout of a website there are many variables that we have to take into account, both as designers and developers. In this talk we will make a foray into the field of legibility*, exploring studies, methodologies, practices and techniques that can help us make our site more comfortable for users.
- Talk
W3C Maps on the Web Workshop
W3C •A workshop organized by W3C with the aim of defining a native Web element for the realization of Maps. Chialab will be active with the participation of Nicolò Carpignoli who will present a talk on accessibility aspects, user requirements and use cases. Appointment on September 29, at 14:00. Participation is free upon registration.
Un workshop online e gratuito organizzato dal W3C per definire le caratteristiche di un elemento nativo per realizzare Mappe in ambito Web. I diversi interventi che si terranno nell’arco delle giornate tratteranno gli aspetti tecnologici, di interfaccia utente e di accessibilità.
Nicolò Carpignoli, Web AR/VR developer in Chialab, prenderà parte all’evento presentando un talk riguardo agli aspetti di accessibilità inerenti l’utilizzo di Mappe in ambito Web, mostrando requisiti e casi d’uso. L’obiettivo è iniziare a definire le caratteristiche di una Mappa i cui contenuti siano navigabili e fruibili da ogni utente.
L’evento è gratuito. A questo indirizzo è possibile visualizzare l’agenda relativa alla giornata in cui Nicolò presenterà il proprio talk.
All’indirizzo seguente è possibile registrarsi gratuitamente per partecipare al Workshop come uditori: w3.org/2002/09/wbs/1/maps2020/.
- Workshop